We have four laboratories in our institution which are rich in equipment and scientific apparatus. Students can make themselves enrich using these laboratories with the direct supervision of the Subject Teachers and Lab. Attendants. Lab. Work is regularly followed by the Academic Routine. We have the following laboratories:
Physics Lab.
Chemistry Lab
Biology Lab &
ICT Lab.
CPSCL is enriched with Physics Lab. This lab gives students an in-depth experience in experimental physics so that they can understand how laboratory measurements test concepts in physics. Support facilities make it possible to extend and modify the individual experiments. From theoretical references students are expected to design their experiments, assemble and perhaps partially construct the apparatus, and report on the results in the form of a technical paper. This lab provides all modern facilities to the students so that they can apply what they learn.
The chemistry laboratory is designed to support and illustrate chemical concepts studied in the lecture portion of the course, as well as to introduce important laboratory techniques and encourage analytical thinking.
The Biology laboratory is a modern research infrastructure providing a broad range of biological and bio-chemical techniques with in-depth practical training offered by experienced staff. Important routine work is on microbial and molecular analyses and biological sample preparation in general.
A ICT Lab is a space which provides computer services to a defined community. ICT Labs are typically provided by libraries to the public, by academic institutions to students who attend the institution or by other institutions to the public or people affiliated with that institution.